Friday, August 12, 2011


Weight Loss, Diet, Calories, Body Weight, Recipes, Nutrition, Exercise, Slimming, Food

Weight Loss, Diet, Calories, Body Weight, Recipes, Nutrition, Exercise, Slimming, Food, Sporting Diet...




For years overwight women have had numerous types of diet/weight loss plans to choose from when attempting to lose weight. Neglected underweight women never had any type of instructional information which would them lose weight in  systematic, scientific, step-by-step fashion. Losing weight isn't easy and does take effort and dedication, but as your clothes start getting looser and you start feeling healthier, I think that you will find it easier to feel motivated. You won't be happy making any changes until it does. It's just plain and simple-- we don't like to do what we're not ready and willing to do.



It really is important to ensure you are taking in the right amount of calories for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

















Sporting Diet











It's often said that healthful eating takes too much time in planning and shopping and costs too much for the average budget. But don't believe it. Healthful eating can be accomplished easily and within a budget by following many of the guidelines below.


. Plan menus; then make a list to enable you to recall all necessary healthy grocery items. Recipe preparation goes much faster when you have all necessary ingredients on hand.


. Eat before you shop to avoid impulse buying of nonhealthy foods.


. Use coupons and comparison shop to save money.


. Buy store brands or no frills to economize on healthy foods.


. Larger sizes are usually, but not always, the best buy.


. Read labels to become familiar with the products you buy and eat.



Any weight gain is obviously disheartening especially when you are working so hard to meet your goals. Try not to be discouraged by this. The most important thing is to stick with it and you will succeed.


There are a couple of things to look at initially. Did you weigh yourself at a different time of day to record your results? On the same scales? Make sure you are using consistent methods to weigh yourself. We do advise first thing in the morning without clothes.




























Get more protein! Use less fat! Watch your carbs! Bulk up! Train down! And eat your spinach! Eat your spinach?


We are used to hearing all kinds of suggestions for a winning diet, but having somebody tell you to eat your greens sounds like something your mother would say.



The healthiest way to lose weight is slowly at up to 2 lbs per week. If more than this is lost then a large proportion of the weight lost is muscle and this will make it harder to keep the weight off later on. Please take some time to sit down and think about what you want to change and why - write down your goals - think of small things you can change in a week to meet your goals. Starting to make small changes will see results. You can do this in a healthy and sustainable way.





















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